Ask Gov. Healey to Promote “International Dark-Sky Week”

IDA Massachusetts has submitted a draft proclamation to Gov. Maura Healey, in the hope that the governor will proclaim April 15–21 as “International Dark-Sky Week in Massachusetts.” Here is the text of the proposed proclamation. This proclamation is a great opportunity, if approved, for all of us to educate Commonwealth citizens while gaining their support for our proposed statewide bills and other initiatives.

The International Dark-sky Association has championed IDSW for two decades. The idea began back in 2002, when 15-year old Jennifer Barlow introduced the idea in her hometown of Midlothian, Virginia. Then, in 2003, IDA embraced the concept and promoted “Dark-Sky Week” across the U.S and later expanded it to a worldwide celebration.

You can help make this proclamation a success by asking your state legislators to (1) ask Gov. Healey to support IDSW here in Massachusetts and (2) support the outdoor-lighting legislation that we’ve introduced in the House and Senate. Here’s how:

And thanks to IDA-MA volunteers Anne Hayek, Lauren Scorzafava, and Nancy Morrison for crafting and submitting the proclamation to Gov. Healey’s office.

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